Friday, October 23, 2015

Celebrating Great War Day With Dead Slaves And Slow Love

Current Vault 551 Status

Population: 189
Overall Happiness: 99% 
Benny Happiness: 100%
Wealth: 555,615 caps

So in case you haven't been paying attention, have been too busy with real life nonsense, aren't particularly a Fallout fan, or just flat out don't care, today is Great War Day. On this date, October 23, in the year 2077, the Fallout story gets underway with a massive nuclear war.

That doesn't really have anything to do with this update, but I would be amiss in not at least mentioning it.

Vault 551 has been very stable as of late. As the population continues to hover just below the 200 dweller limit, we've had to begin pruning back the less important demographics somewhat. First on the chopping block: the slaves. We simply don't need nearly twenty of them, because goddammit, we're a pretty happy vault now at a steady 99% overall happiness. The slaves did their job spectacularly well, and so now we have to kill them. That's just how these things go.

Victoria's secret is that she's going to die pretty soon.

You understand. This is just the natural end result of uncontrolled immigration: slaves dressed up in slutty lingerie, sent out into the nuclear desert to be eaten by radioactive bears. The free market has spoken.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Contact: Radio Signal From Vault 209

From: Overseer, Vault 551
RE: Survival Mode and Vault 209 Deaths
Not Intended For Circulation

Events lately in Vault 551 have been relatively.. well.. uneventful.  Caps continue to accumulate like crazy, Dwellers continue to be trained and leveled up, and rare items continue to be discovered and hoarded.  There will be a more detailed report on Vault 551's current status in the next day or two.

In the interest of maintaining a complete record for the Vault Tec project administrators, we must include in our documentation a recent episode involving the interception of a radio message from what appears to be another Vault.  Identifying itself only as Vault 209, the radio broadcaster indicated that, since a recent Vault operations software update by Vault Tec administration, their Vault has been permanently locked into a "Survival Mode".

Friday, October 2, 2015

Factions and Loathing in Vault 551

Current Vault 551 Status

Population: 185
Overall Happiness: 99% 
Benny Happiness: 100%
Wealth: 117,627 caps

So things have been pretty stable this week in Vault 551. The production rate of Deadmeats has dropped significantly as our overall happiness level remains consistently at 99%. Population is up a bit, mainly due to the influx of the Hunger Gamers and a few Wasteland survivors. Liquid cash has fluctuated between 60,000 and 220,000 caps, as we continue making heavy infrastructure investments.

Specifically, investments in radioactive malted battery acid.

We've been replacing food production facilities with Nuka Cola bottling plants, maintaining our food production levels while also adding an equal amount of water production for the same effort.

I'm not exactly sure how replacing all of our food with radioactive cola is supposed to be a good thing, but clearly it is in Fallout Shelter. So Nuka Cola for everyone it is.